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Hello and welcome to My German Text!

My name is Franziska Humphrey and I am a professional translator of literary fiction. I translate novels of all genres from English to German.

I am a German native, originally from Berlin, and have called English-speaking countries home for more than 10 years now. My Australian husband and amazing bilingual son keep me on my toes with both languages on a day-to-day basis.

My translation business allows me to bring two of my biggest passions together – languages and my love for the written word! Writing and reading in German and other languages, especially English, have been a passion of mine since I was a young girl. I have completed my A-Levels in Germany with English as a major and continued on to study English at University.

I will deliver translations that are enjoyable to read and don’t sound “translated” focussing on understanding the text in depth to translate not only the words but the meaning behind them, too.

It is important to me to provide excellent work results but also great customer service! Happy clients are the heart of my business and I feel privileged that each one of them trusts me with their “baby” – being an indie author is as amazing as it is daunting and I aim to make publishing in the German market as easy as possible for each and every one of my clients!

When I am not working you will most likely find me playing with my son who is my favourite little timewaster, at the beach going for long walks or enjoying the sunset, in the kitchen baking my famous German sourdough bread or – you probably guessed it – reading!

Thank you for taking the time to explore my website! Should you have any questions please feel free to send me a quick email at or use the contact form.